Dear Triple C Camp

We’ve gotten some wonderful testimonials over the years. Here are a few personal words about the Triple C Experience.

Dear Triple C Camp,

Going into this summer Georgia was extremely (emphasis on extremely) reluctant to put her head underwater. After a scary pool experience three years ago, she got it in her head that she would never go underwater again. Deep down I knew a few weeks at Triple C could help – but I had no idea how much. At her private lesson with CVSS this past weekend, after two weeks with extra lessons at Camp, she marched right in the water, went under, and proceeded to start swimming freestyle and breaststroke. The relief that I feel knowing that my child has built her confidence in the water, and is no longer afraid – it is hard to express my gratitude in words. Enormous!


Dear Triple C Camp,

We can’t thank you enough for all you have done for our family this summer.  During these very difficult times, they joy and excitement the boys had for their time at camp was so important and we are incredibly grateful.  You do a wonderful job and gave two very different kids an amazing summer.  Be well and we can’t wait to see you next year!

-The Gilberts

Today we saw Sean (5) in the pool for the first time since his six weeks of camp over the summer and we were absolutely stunned by the progress he has made thanks to the your counsellors’ input and encouragement. Wow. He was swimming back and forth to us and even went down a big slide that dumped him out in the water. Two weeks ago we took him to the ocean for the first time and got a sense of his newfound confidence around water, but we had no idea just how much progress he had made pre- and post-summer.IMG_3166

So, we just wanted to say a big thank you. He had a “really fun” time (his words) at camp. (His first group experience beside Montessori.) “I love triple C,” he just said. That’s one very satisfied customer!

See you again next summer.

All the best,
Lauren and Greg

My two had a wonderful summer and I wanted to thank you for making your camp one of the best things in their lives. We were able to get away for a little mini vacation as a family this past weekend. We headed to West Virginia for white water rafting and had a blast.  While we were there, a park ranger had a display setup about snakes.  We gathered with a group to listen.  The ranger asked how to tell the difference between a venomous snake and a harmless snake.  Maggie pipes right in about the eyes.  Hank was ready to scoff at her answer when the park ranger backed her up saying she was exactly right.  The rest of the group listening were all amazed that this little 8 year old knew so much about snakes.  She was thrilled to be the center of attention.

Well, she didn’t learn that one from me-I didn’t know it myself.  Your camp programs have been fabulous in terms of real (practical) education and life skills.  Plus camp is always about fun.

Thanks for another great summer!



One thing I like so much about your camp is that you run it so well and have so much experience that I fully trust you have your procedures for good reasons.
–Sheri Edgecomb

Thank you so much for taking such good care of Nathan this summer. You always make him feel special and important. Keep up the good work and we can’t wait until next summer!



WOW! All we can say is WOW!  Congratulations!  If this past week was any indication as to how the rest of the Summer has gone then it was quite a Summer.
Tommy and Elizabeth had the best experience ever this Summer!  Thank you.  Your camp has helped them so much.
It was wonderful to sit and listen to them in the backseat on the ride home from Barrack’s Road each day.  The stories are endless…Ed, J-vizal, flying squirrel, Time Out With The Todd, I could go on and on.
To watch from the outside how this has grown and developed over the last few years is fantastic.  It is, no doubt, through countless hours in the “off season”, finding and training quality people, meticulous attention to detail and you as people – your commitment and dedication to teaching children the right  things, the right way.
Thank you for all of that.
The re-enforcement Tommy and Elizabeth received of the values we stress in our family is icing on the cake for us as parents.
They get all this while having a blast and don’t even know it.

Thanks you guys!



Thank you for Triple C!  The changes I’ve seen in McKenzie are wonderful. She jumps out of bed every day, dresses herself, gets her things together and just can’t wait to go.  On weekends, she is disapointed that she cannot go.  It has really opened up something inside her.  Thank you for working with her and providing this amazing place.

–Chris and Chuck


I’m writing to thank you for offering such a great camp to area kids!  Will had a blast in Teen Scene this summer!  As you’ll recall, he wasn’t sure he wanted to attend so we signed him up for only one week of camp.  After two days of attending camp, he knew he wanted to come back for two more weeks, so we signed him up.  Will thoroughly enjoyed all three weeks that he attended camp.  He talked about it so much — and always in a positive way — that Will’s brother Ben, who will be entering sixth grade, has already said that he wants to come to Teen Scene next year.  So, look for us again next year.  I’m sure that both of my boys will be signing up for a few weeks of Teen Scene and the Edge.

All the best,

— Chris

WYNTER climbs the wall

Before the summer is behind us, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for giving Alexander such a great experience.  I greatly appreciate your willingness to accept him and be so open and supportive right from the start.
As I waited with Alexander in the car until he was ready to leave, I knew through his tears that the summer had been a great success.  The mud on and ground into his clothes is testament to the wonderful ‘all boy’ experience he had for the weeks he was with you.  He met boys who are continuing to be a part of his circle of friends and enjoyed a rich array of experiences.  Most importantly you gave him numerous opportunities to learn and grow.  I’m very grateful for you turning every challenge into a teachable moment.  He is taking those lessons with him every day.  You will see us again next summer.  Thank you for giving so much to  my son.

With kind regards,

— Mary Anne


I’ve spent some time this evening on the Triple C website and trying to figure out our summer schedule.  I just wanted to write and say, first of all, thank you for all that you and your team have done with Owen so far.  I really feel like this past summer was a beginning for him with regard to friendship, respect, and most importantly, character building.  That’s why we’ve opted for school day out with you instead of the at-school care!


JOHN AND the PIONEER boys stimualte the senses in the sandbox