1, 2, 3, In the Pool! Swim instruction and managing free swim. Strategically!

By: “H” Rothenberg Triple C Camp Co-Owner and Director

Swimming is the most popular activity at TRIPLE C CAMP! Every camper has the opportunity to swim EVERY DAY!

We are very fortunate to have two fantastic swimming pools at camp that got a complete over haul of flooring, tiles, concrete, filters, etc. before the summer of 2008.

The K-3rd graders have swim lessons and free swim daily and all the older campers have rec activities before their free swim every day!


Our pools are supervised by American Red Cross Water Safety Instructors and Life Guards. We are so fortunate that Ms. Libby is a Life Guard Instructor Trainer and Ms. Shannon is a Life Guard Instructor for the American Red Cross. We normally have 15 staff members who are Red Cross certified. It certainly makes the swimming pools a safe place to experience.

We value the opportunity to have swim lessons every day for our little ones as many of our campers over the years have learned how to swim in the TRIPLE C CAMP POOLS! When the campers arrive to the pools each day along with their group Counselors the campers have 15-20 minutes of swim lessons. Their counselors in addition to the swim teachers are in the water with our campers. It is critical for our program that the group counselors help with the swim program as this is who the campers are most comfortable, however they quickly build fantastic relationships with the pool staff. I remember one third grade camper even asking one of the pool staff to marry him!

After lessons are done, pool time is plain old fun! Noodles, rings, the slide and best of all, the diving board. Many, Many belly flops (by choice) have taken place at the Triple C diving board and the many cheers have gone along with them. Free time and the pool is joyous.

Parents, if you ever want to enjoy the camp pools…come on out and watch your campers, or come for dip with them…you won’t regret it!