Who says the “off season” has to be…well…off?! (A lesson in winter staff engagement)

How do you keep seasoned staff engaged and foster new/junior staff getting up to speed in the “off season”? Provide a healthy online competition, of course! In an effort to keep in touch with our staff this winter (and bridge some winter skills gaps) we introduced a skills competition online: Technical Tuesday!

The first Tuesday of every month we launch a mass staff e-mail detailing the parameters of the month’s competition. For the 2015-2016 winter season, we’ve chosen knot skills. Facilitators receive a link to the “knot of the month” (we currently find animatedknots.com to be a most effective resource). Once announced, they have seven days to review/practice the knot, create a video of them tying said knot (neatness counts!), while providing a commentary of the appropriate applications of the knot universally and within our program. Below is the actual explanation they received when we launched:

Today marks the maiden voyage of Technical Tuesday, your “season-bridge” skill builder/refresher challenge!  The goal is to continue building and reinforcing your technical knot proficiency through our slow months so you are better prepared to jump back into training and programs in early 2016 (and we get to keep in touch more regularly…BONUS!)

How it works:

  1. Each month we will send a link to a knot-tying video (typically we will use com).
  2. You have one week (7 days) to learn/review and practice the knot-of-the-month.
  3. By day seven (7), email us a video of your (unassisted/unprompted) knot tying prowess. Video quality can be low, though it must be distinguishable. Please also tell us about the application (what it’s used for) of the knot.
  4. You can use whatever rope-like medium you have on hand (ie: clothesline, shoe laces, paracord, actual climbing rope) to accomplish your knot. Of course, you are also welcome to, upon communication, swing by and pick up a piece of practice (dead) rope!

What do we get when we participate?

  • Ummmm…..mad, crazy knot skills!
  • Something tactile and relaxing to do while you veg and watch TV, or study, or stare at the wall. aaaannnnd….
  • The first person to submit a video with correct form and finish (dressing the knot) will win…
    • The (soon to be coveted) “Not (un)Neat Knot” Award for the month.
    • Bragging rights and “swagger”.
    • A (soon to be acquired) randomly awesome prize from the (soon to be created) Randomly Awesome Prize Stash.
    • To be happy! 🙂

Given we already have a staff who loves friendly competition; I can firmly attest hilarity has ensued! Within 10 minutes of the first challenge our Assistant Director rolled into my office, grabbed the closest item (and IPod charging cord), and whipped out a figure-8 follow through like a boss! She wasn’t even bothered that I asked her to defer the prize pack to an offsite winner; she just wanted the swagger of being the first submission! Engagement and having FUN! (A happy byproduct that has been more successful than we hoped!)

Not only are we experiencing a fantastic ratio of engagement (at least half of our staff, including internationals, have participated in spite of their already busy off season lives), we are also providing a unique interactive platform to hone and further their technical skills. When they return for spring staff training, they will be better prepared and more technically productive/efficient, thereby reducing the risk of incidences during program. How’s that for a win-win?!

So, as I challenge our staff, I now challenge you…join in the fun and remember….a not neat knot is a knot not needed!  Facilitators!  Are.You.READY?!

The now affectionately monikered Fabulous Facilitator Fun Pack:
