Summer Camp is here!…almost.

Today is May 21, 2015 and yesterday two returning international staff arrived.  Kasey Massih from Australia and Toni Green from New Zealand.  Both are spectacular riding staff.  It’s always so nice to have staff return.  However, it is one thing when they are a UVa student or from Charlottesville.  However, when you have people coming back year after year after year and then coming from half way around the world, you know you have something special.  This summer in addition to Kasey and Toni, returning staff include: Gemma Herdman from New Zealand, Travis Yuille from South Africa, John Togher from Ireland, and Jamie Turner, Dan Alinson, Jake Woods and Ben Ward all returning from England.  It’s AMAZING!





















We also have more domestic staff returning then ever before.  We also have more campers signed up as of May 21, 2015 then we ever had in camp history.  It’s a pretty exciting time and each day gets closer and closer to having campers here on a daily basis.  Pretty special what we get to do.  Come play with us?

Yours in camping,

“H” 🙂

May 5, 2015

By “H” Rothenberg  Owner/Director

Today, we have home school campers starting a new curriculum as we begin a new month.  Water sheds is the focus and that must mean that we are outside all the time.  Makes me think of summer camp.
We just completed our second open house of the summer on Sunday and had 74 families attend!  Most ever for a spring open house in camp history.  We also have more campers registered to date than we have ever had in 16 years.  This is pretty exciting.  We also have more returning staff this summer than we have had in camp history.  Really, Really exciting.  So many new and returning children looking to gain experience and friendships outside!  This will make for memories that will far outlast the summer.
This week we also started planning staff training.  For summer camp, staff training is the most important week of the year.  I’m so excited about Katie and Chris Lukas being part of the camp family.  They will be a great addition.

If you would still like to add for the summer of 2015, we do have some spaces available.  Please come out for a tour.  We would love to meet you and your family. Come play with us! [email protected]  434.293.2529

Yours in camping,

“H” 🙂
