Camp friends and family,

As we look toward February, the reality of summer coming soon hits hard.  We are so excited and PUMPED!  Coming up, we have the Charlottesville Family Camp Fair the middle of the month and lots of families starting to contact us about registering for the greatest summer ever…2015 at Triple C Camp.

Ben Ward our Teen Scene Coordinator has been planning some spring events here at camp for our middle schoolers in March and May! We are building a Teen Scene Pavilion to replace the Teen Scene Tent. We have two new year round Assistant Directors moving in the main camp house and Libby and  “H” are moving off site for the first time in 15 years.

This past IMG_3375week we have been asked by Crozet Families if we are going to offer transportation from Crozet.  If this is something you are interested in, please email: [email protected] or call us: 434.293.2529.  If there are every other things that we can do to make camp better, let us know as our families and their campers safety are our #1 priority!

We will continue to work with Albemarle County to service and maintain our buses.  Thank you ACPS.

New staff always excite us, however we have so many returning staff! Sophie Adams, Tayler Bruce, Joy Carveth, Danny Allinson, Hannah Ciucias, Emily Davidson, Toni Green, Jemma Herdman, Michelle Heuchert, Jonathan Heuchert, Lindsey Johnson, Emily Kostenecki, Melissa Leider, Kasey Massih, Wanda McDaniel, Shannon Myers, Andy Riddler, Eryn Rothenberg, Ryan Rothenberg, Christine Savoie, Jamie Turner, Ben Ward, Rosser Wayland, Jason Coleman, Terri LaRue, Sam Smith, and Caitlin Delaney will all be back at the Friendly Confines of Triple C Camp for another amazing summer.  It is very rare to have so many returning staff committed to be with us so early.  We are so fortunate to have this talent.  Ultimately, your children are really the ones who benefit.  Our staff is amazing!

Staff photo 2013