You'll find details about pick-up and drop-off times, locations, and special instructions here. This information supports a smooth start and end to each camp day, making planning easier for your family.

Triple C Camp Buses are generally yellow with purple stripes and camp signs. We also utilize additional community buses, in which case they will have camp signage and camp staff.
The Park at UVA: Look for the bus in the parking lot next to the fields (1015 Massie Rd).
Morning 7:50am - 8:30am
Afternoon 5:10pm - 5:30pm
Crozet: Look for the bus at Western Albemarle High School, 1st lot on the right.
Morning 8:00am - 8:10am
Afternoon 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Fashion Square Mall: The bus will be in the SOUTH lot, south of the Alb. Co. Public Safety Operations Center.
Morning 8:00am - 8:15am
Afternoon 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Pantops: The bus will be located in the lot near the flagpole, behind Jiffy Lube.
Morning 8:00am - 8:15am
Afternoon 5:10pm - 5:30pm
5th St. Station: The bus will be located in the Haverty’s lot opposite Krispy Kreme.
Morning 8:30am - 8:40am
Afternoon 5:00pm
​​Each morning campers and one adult must make their way to the camp bus.
Our buses run on schedule. When it is time to depart the bus will leave. If late for a pick up, in the afternoon, your child will remain with the camp staff while efforts to reach adults are made. If necessary child(ren) will be brought back to camp where they can be picked up. For late pickups, either at the bus or at camp, there will be an additional charge of $2.00 per minute for the extended care service. Payment will be auto-processed using the most recent payment method on file.
Changes in the scheduled transportation must be made in advance and in writing to the Camp Office. All transportation changes must be approved by Camp Administration and are subject to a registration change fee. If you know that your child(ren) will not be attending camp on a specific day, please send a note or email. If your child wakes up ill, please let us know your child is not attending.
Bus Mail & Email
Bus Mail…what’s that? Bus Mail is a note addressed to the appropriate person and given to the Bus Captain, it is then delivered to the Office and on to the addressee. In areas that require “follow-up” the staff member associated with the request will follow-up and respond to you as soon as possible. Email works too:
Use Bus Mail when:
You wish to note a special arrangement about pick up or drop off
There will be a prolonged absence from camp
You require an answer to a specific question
You are sending in a payment
Bus Behavior
Keeping the children safe is our number one priority. In order to promote a safe ride we must be firm about behavior during transportation. If a camper is misbehaving on the bus (i.e. foul language, disturbing fellow campers, not following bus rules) the following steps will be taken:
A verbal reminder as to appropriate bus behavior
A phone call to the family
Suspended from the bus for the following day
Expelled from the bus for the remainder of the summer