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Here you'll find important guidelines and health & safety protocols. This section ensures that you're fully informed about our practices, helping to make your child's camp experience smooth and enjoyable.


What is Triple C Camp's definition of bullying?

Bullying is an aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength. It is repeated over time and the person being bullied has a difficult time defending him or herself. Bullies can work alone or in groups. Bullying can be: Physical (such as hitting or pushing), Verbal (such as teasing, name-calling or threatening), Social (such as causing someone to be left out or rejected by others) or Cyber (such as saying something mean to or about someone else online).


How does Triple C Camp address bullying?

​Triple C Camp’s mission ensures that, “…everyone learns about themselves and working with others, all while creating lifelong memories.” To help achieve our mission, we take incidents of bullying seriously and train staff to intervene immediately, keep everyone safe and model respectful behavior when intervening. If an incident of bullying is communicated, we work in partnership with all parties to resolve the situation. This includes having open communication between counselors and campers, campers and parents, and parents and administration.

Entitles you to a full refund of all deposits and fees of applicable sessions. Cancellation must be made, in writing, 5 business days prior to the start of the camp session. Once enrolled in refund protection, the fee may not be transferred between sessions. Refunds will only be made to those enrolled in refund protection. Cost is $75/week and due at the time of registration (non-refundable).

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Charlottesville, VA 22902

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