Discover the excitement of camping out! Thursday overnights are a great opportunity to extend the camp day, develop independence, and grow confidence. Overnights are available to rising 2nd graders and above. This section outlines what an overnight entails, what to bring, and all the details you need to prepare your child for a memorable night under the stars.

Overnights include dinner, evening activities such as swimming, night hikes, field games, skits, campfire songs, and, of course…S’MORES.
Campers and counselors sleep in our cabins which have indoor plumbing.
There is a great camp breakfast on Friday morning before returning to day camp activities.
Friday lunch and snacks will also be provided to campers who participate in the overnights.
Overnight reminders and packing lists are sent home on the Tuesday prior.
Forgot to select the overnight option at the time of registration? No problem! Adding an overnight is easy…Use the portal or send us an email and we will add your camper, as space allows.
Minimalist Packing List:
Sleeping Bag
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, etc.)
Change of clothes for Friday (weather appropriate)
Fresh towel